Brass Camp

Designed for rising middle school through high school students, the brass camp will focus on the skills and techniques unique to the trumpet, trombone, french horn, baritone/euphonium, and tuba. Students can expect to work on breathing, lip slurs, long tones, scales, and movement/stretching for musicians all in addition to playing daily in large and small brass ensembles. The camp will culminate in a Friday evening concert for friends and family.

June 24th - 28th, 2024


Camp Details

  • Daily Schedule

    8:00 - Early Drop off Morning Extended Day Activities Begin

    9:30 - Movement and Breathing for Brass Players

    10:30 - Full group skills practice & ensemble rehearsal

    12:30 - Lunch (Bring a bag lunch each day)

    1:15 - Movement & Breathing Redux

    1:30 - 2:30 Guest lecture or Masterclass or Performance

    2:30 - Sectionals, small ensemble rehearsals, brass choir rehearsals

    4:30 - Extended afternoon activities until as late as 6:00pm

    *This is a sample schedule for demonstration purposes, changes may be made with or without notice for the benefit of the enrolled students. All times are approximate.

  • Location

    Location will be announced when known. We are aiming to use an MCPS building in central Montgomery County.

  • Staff and Guest Lecturers

    More staff will be added as enrollment increases.


    Jeffrey Johns - Tuba - MCPS Teacher

    Jamin Morden - French Horn - MCPS Teacher

    Matthew Wlezien - Trumpet - MCPS Teacher

    Guest Artists/Lecturers

    Dr. Robin Sisk - Tuba

    Chesapeake Brass Authority